ok this will be short, sweet, and simple. Welcome to my site. If you wish to contact me, i only have AIM for ims:Joshua220. i have 2 emails: or

oh guys can join too! just...dont like pervs thats how you join XD
Saturday, October 15, 2005
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ok so heres update of my life so far, and why i havent been on in OH SO LONG:
yeah, our team won the homecoming game, but our marching band didnt take first place at a competition...we lost by .05 points!!! GRRR we were second....anyways, we are still cumulatively improving, while other bands are staying the same score....and today is the state competition! which more marching band after this! ...yeah, its really sad to see the seniors go... so i guess i'll give it my all today! the time should lighten up after marching season is over ( which is tomorrow ) and i should be able to get bak to checking all your kick ass sites out! allright guys, wish me luck, and sorry for not posting and visiting in so long, and i hope you understand |
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
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its been a long time and sorry to say that my visits here will be this infrequent!! well, heres wats been going on: after the storm, whole bunch of branches everywhere and a pretty messy state...but no one was injured! and now homecoming week passed, and tonights the dance...OH! and we had 1 marching band competition, but it was home so it was only an exhibition so no awards T_T lol and we performed the halftime show yesterday for the homecoming game...and theres tp everywhere....stupid high school kids....well, ill get to some of ure sites now!
+ ta ta ~.^ + |
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
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there was a storm in my city...and i live in the middle of nowhere....70 mph winds...@_@ yeah sorry, school busy so couldnt get to sites and such |
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there was a storm in my city...and i live in the middle of nowhere....70 mph winds...@_@ yeah sorry, school busy so couldnt get to sites and such |
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Monday, September 12, 2005
ok now that i showed respect....
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somethings i dont like about the day ITSELF (9/11)....sure lots of people died, but what about all the other days? like the timothy mcveigh bombing? (forgot location) that was just as tragic! just because another american did it makes it less than wat a middle eastern did? both are equally BAD and what about columbine? lots of KIDS lives were ended that day too! why isnt that a freaking "holiday"? all 9/11 did was smack some sense into good ole fat uncle sam, but we just go back to taking things for granted and taking a break on the day that all those people died for us! the least we can do is respect them by KEEP on working, showing that we wont show that we are scared, that we'll keep standing! and ever since 9/11 theres soooo much more racial profiling! wtf?! al-queda is just an EXTREMIST GROUP! wat about KKK? i guess theyre not so bad heh? it just me or am i ranting? yaeh i am... *sigh* thats my this isnt against the victims, this is against BUSH AND HIS STUPID LITTL E MIND-FUCK......yes...well....*ahem* life: well, its ok......well, yeah....its just too much work!...well, thats all there is right now @_@ yup well
+ ta ta ~.^ + |
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
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its september 11, and when i look around, a lot of people still didnt learn that much from it....we really shouldnt take everything for granted and we do that so easily now a days....but lately, we've been getting wake up calls, like 11 and this is for everyone whos had to suffer, everyone whos lost someone or experienced 11 and katrina, and i pray for everyone of you....God Bless....
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